Product and Services Questionnaire

In an effort to provide you with the most accurate information for a Police Service Dogs, we ask that the CHIEF, SHERIFF OR PROJECT ADMINISTRATOR complete the following questions that are very pertinent to us. Once this questionnaire is completed, we will go to work for you and provide you with the most accurate and complete information, the BEST prices for our quality Police Service Dogs and our “outrageous customer service.”

Your Name

Your Rank/Title


Office Phone:



Your Email

Do you plan to purchase a dog within he next(required)
2 Weeks30 Days60 days

Have you received approval from City Counsel, Quorum Court or Chief Administrator?

If applicable, Have you received approval to purchase outside of your Area / State?

Do you have the Funds available now to procure a dog?
YesNoAccepting Donations

Are you interested in information about our Governmental Financing Program?

Do you currently have a functioning Canine Program?
YesNoNo, but had one in the past

Will your decision to purchase, come from a Competitive Bid Process?

If a bid is requested what is the deadline to submit the bid packet?

Select the type of Service and Training that you are requesting information on:
NarcoticsTrackingDual Purpose (Narc, Tracking, and Patrol)

Do you have a breed preference?
German ShepherdBelgian MalinoisLabrador Retriever (Narcotics Only)No Preference

Any further information or requests?